School Bus

A school bus runs to and from Port Hedland Primary School Daily.  Please see attached the map for the bus route for your convenience. The school bus arrives to Port Hedland primary School at 7:45 and leaves at the end of the day at 2:30pm.

If you wish for your child to catch the bus, please notify the front office so they are able to place your child on the bus list.

All children require a Smart Rider bus card.  If you wish to purchase a Smart Rider bus card for your child to use the school bus please go to transperth website or alternatively you can call Trans Perth on their information line on 13 62 13.

Alternatively, whilst you wait for the card to arrive children are allowed to pay cash for their trip.  This is $1

If you have any concerns involving the school bus, please contact –

Fortesque Bus Lines on 0439 152 399.