P & C Association

Port Hedland Parent And Citizen Committee

Port Hedland Primary School P&C is a group of active parents, grandparents, carers and community members who have an interest in their children’s education. We do a range of activities for the school, including fundraising for resources and facilities, managing the canteen and uniform shop, and running fun annual events like our school disco!

We are also able to bring issues and queries from the school community to the School Principal and make suggestions on how we can make improvements.  The P&C provides the opportunity to come together to help meet the needs and aspirations of the students and the school community. We share information and views, learn about and help shape school policies and programs and help raise funds to provide extra resources. Volunteering is also a great way to interact with students at the school. 

Where to find us

The best way to keep up to date with what is happening with the P&C is to like our Facebook page. On our page you will find Uniform Shop and Canteen information, fundraising events, reminders and more. We hold meetings in weeks 2 & 8 each term and generally run for 60 minutes.

Join us.

If you would like to attend our meetings, volunteer in the canteen, join a fundraising committee or share your opinions, please contact us on our Facebook Page or email pc.phps@hotmail.com. We appreciate any support you can offer. 

Current Positions

President – Tiki Beard

Vice President – Melissa Hartmann

Treasurer – Aisling Kane

Secretery – Sheree Stade

Canteen Manager – Storm Wheeler

Uniform Shop Manager – Sherrie Howatt

We also have a number of general committee members, and we are always looking for more to join our team.